In total, 35 people participated and answered the following questions:
- What is your gender?
- What is your age?
- What is music video do you prefer?
- What is your favourite genre of music?
- Do you think that music videos are necessary?
- How often do you watch music videos?
- On what platforms do you watch music videos?
- Do you prefer one or two locations, or multiple locations?
- Do you watch a music video more than once at onetime?
- Do you think that the video should match the lyrics of the song?
Here are my results.
From this, I know that:
- My target audience are predominantly females aged 17 (on average) who enjoys listening to indie music with a music video that has a mixture of performance, narrative and concept within it.
- My target audience think that they're not necessary but they are helpful and that they're watched a few times a month on YouTube. This is useful in choosing where advertise and post the video.
- The location and how many different locations there are isn't important to my target audience.
- 60% of my audience think that the lyrics to my chosen song should match the video.
This research has been very useful with deciding what to do for my music video as I am able to cater to my target audience's preferences in various different ways, e.g. having multiple locations throughout the video.
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